Why with us?
Fair and Fixed prices
Our prices are the same for everybody. No discounts, no cheating, no commission. This has been our concept since the start fourteen years ago.Working conditions
All staff has insurance and free access to equipment. The salaries are above average. Our All staffs are Nepal Government certificate holder as well Water rescue tranner, First aid trainning certificate holder. Our staff always take care our valuable guest and they always around the guest and Camp site. Our staffs are free to join any trade union. Medical care, if needed, is for everyone in the river expedition. If a river guide gets sick we will take care of him until he has recovered.
Highly skilled chefs and guides
Our chefs and guides are well trained and put hygiene, security and health before anything else.
Preserving our nature and environment is very important. Our staff is well aware of environmental issues and will do their best to reduce any damage to the environment. All the garbage we bring, we take back. (Except for compost able) We do not use firewood for cooking - the forests are too valuable. We are sponsoring a various project in the remote village.
Social work
We try to give something back to the areas, which we are working in. We are supporting several schools, several honest but poor students for study higher education, a center for disabled people and more. This fund we contribute 10% from our net perfit.
Guaranteed quality and service
- a. We never compromise with quality service. If you are not satisfied with any of our services, you are able to claim your money back. Everything is carefully planned and nothing is left to fate.
- b. We take full responsibility for our staff and have clear rule.
- c. Our staffs avoid or are very modest with alcohol.
- d. Our equipments are modern and checked regularly
- e. All of our equipment are suplyed from USA
- f. English speaking River guides.
- g. Well cook man
- h. Well kitchen Equipment
- i. Well two men tent